Bacon Will Save Us All

     The aroma still lingered in the air and wooshed at me like a hurricane in perfect form where just a few short hours before I had stood at our trusty stove with an iron skillet sautéing bell peppers and bacon in none other guessed it, bacon grease.

     If you were ever to look into the hoarding business with interest, might I recommend hoarding bacon grease.  Some look at it and ask why, most dream about it and ask, "yes, please!"  This beautiful gift from our creator useable and fry-able in nearly everything to enhance flavor and bring about heaven on earth after a bad day...or perhaps to celebrate after a good day, or if you are so inclined...may in no uncertain terms choose to cook and ingest on any day happening to end in the letter "y".  From steak, to popcorn, to mushrooms, there seems to be no end to its use in cooking and with a dash of seasoned salt complimented by fresh ground pepper you could easily close your eyes, believe you are in a 5-star restaurant with bus boys in tuxedos preparing the table next to you for a celebrity couple as you slowly raise the knife from your bacon-wrapped fillet, topped with caramelized onions and shrooms sauteed in, yes, bacon grease.  You being a smart and well-versed newspaper subscriber can probably just imagine the aroma, yes?  I don't have to paint the picture of an antique silver fork piercing a perfectly-seared, 28 day aged, well-marbled ribeye lifting the succulent piece of tender beef off a dinner plate from Royal Copenhagen and slowly permitting your tastebuds to enter into a whole new dimension while you close your eyes savoring every moment and thus fully acknowledging from that in the famous words of Reverend Brown from Coming to America, "There's a Gaaawd, somewhere!"  And you ask yourself, "how did I win the lottery to be blessed with such a much sought-after commodity?"  In the future you may very well hear, "It's worth it's weight in bacon," because one can only eat so much gold, and after some time even Flaming Hot Cheetos may lose their freshness and accidentally go stale through some curse of the evil one, however when it comes to bacon one can never get too much of a good thing, but then again...that's just my humble opinion.


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